Do you remember these games from your childhood?

Are you ready for a trip down memory lane?
Nostalgia marketing is one of the best ways your brand can build an emotional connection with your clients.
By using the power of positive memories, you create a link between your brand and happiness. Your clients see your brand more favourably and this in turn helps you develop a positive brand identity.
It’s science: your *positive* childhood memories will help your brand thrive.
And with the resurgence of 90s toy icon Barbie, there’s never been a better time to unleash your inner child with your brand’s merchandise.
That’s why we’ve travelled back in time - from the 1950s to the 2000s - to dig up those lost, forgotten childhood favourites. From jelly shoes to Rubik’s Cubes, what’s your favourite?
Plus, these items aren’t just stuck in their allotted decade - we’ve hunted high and low for modern-day brandable merch equivalents so you can really give your nostalgic marketing campaign that authentic feel. Think of us as your promotional merch Dr Who.
For more amazing brandable kids’ activities, download your exclusive brochure now, or get in touch for your free consultation with one of our Merchandise Consultants.
The 2000s was the birth of the digital era we all love today. If you grew up in the 2000s, you probably didn’t spend a lot of time outdoors - you spent it online. With the revolution of the internet in every home, online communities and computer games soared in popularity during this time. Say goodbye to hopscotch and hello to dial-up.
1. Runescape
No sleepover was complete without a little Runescape in the early 2000s. A fantasy online game that included quests, monsters and more, you could spend hours mining for precious gems or upping your combat.
2. The Sims
The Sims is iconic. Live out your wildest dreams with a click of a button. Build your dream house. Your dream career. Your dream family. And then destroy it all just as easily. Released in the year 2000, it quickly became the bestselling game EVER, with over 6 million copies sold by 2002.
3. Club Penguin
Did you ever want to be a penguin in a virtual ice world? Well, with Club Penguin in the early 2000s, you could do just that! It was a massive online world where you could create your own online Penguin avatar, play mini-games with friends, and decorate your igloo. Exciting stuff!
4. Swingball
When kids did eventually go outside, swingball was 100% the game of choice. Summers were spent challenging opponents to the most prestigious competition ever: a backyard swingball championship.
Recreate 2000s nostalgia with:
1. Deluxe Tumbling Tower Wood Block Stacking Game
Like The Sims and Runescape, test your nerve and see how high you can build your tower before they tumble.
2. Wooden ball & bat set
The perfect beach game. This wooden bat and ball set is ideal for entertaining all ages, just like Swingball.
This was the last decade before the internet took the world by storm. One of collectables and electronic pets, Barbie and Lego. Did you grow up in the ‘90s? What did you collect?
1. Beanie Babies
Cute and cuddly collectables, with their exclusive designs and limited runs the Beanie Babies craze was insane back in the ‘90s. With some becoming super rare and worth a lot of money today, they’re still a hot topic amongst collectors.
2. Tamagotchi
What was your first pet? A goldfish? A hamster? Something a little more electronic? If your first pet was a Tamagotchi in the ‘90s, you’re not alone! For many, 1997 saw the introduction of a brand-new member of the family: a Tamagotchi.
3. Connect 4
We’ve all got our favourite Connect 4 tactics. Start off in the middle. Red checkers over black. Wing it until you win it. However you like to play, Connect 4 is a classic game, super popular in the ‘90s, and one you probably have super fond memories of.
4. Pokémon Trading Cards
If you think your beloved Pokemon Trading Cards were a thing of the past, think again! Having had a resurgence in popularity during lockdown, those cards you have tucked away in your parents’ attic might actually be worth something. From rare shinies to the ultimate prize: a shiny Charizard, your ‘90s weekend treat might just surprise you.
Recreate your ‘90s favourites with:
1. Connect 4 wooden game
Nothing beats a fun games night with your friends! This strategy game is both fun and competitive. Will you win?
2. Soft toy animals
Great for schools, hospitality and healthcare, branded soft toy animals make a cute little addition to your promotional portfolio.
3. Personalised cards
To cater for those who loved to collect and swap cards during lunch, why not create your own brand personalised cards? We offer a range of bespoke merchandise playing cards, where you can completely personalise and customise to your brand’s content!
Let’s travel back to the ’80s. A time of punk rockers and mohawks. Rebellious teens, walkmans and VCRs. Remember jelly shoes? Here are some other ‘80s childhood memories unlocked. You’re welcome!
1. British Bulldog
Banned now in most schools for obvious reasons, this popular playground game could turn brutal! You probably have your own tales from the Bulldog battlefield, but ultimately the game was one of pure adrenaline and excitement.
2. Skipping ropes
One of the more complicated playground games, you had to be quick on your feet to play. Great for big groups or just yourself, skipping rope could get wild when the whole playground got involved. Do you remember any of the rhymes?
3. Rubik’s Cubes
Still as popular today as they were back in the 1980s, Rubik’s Cubes reignited the puzzle game. Invented in 1974 by the Hungarian architecture professor Ernõ Rubik to teach his students about 3-dimensional spaces, by the 1980s millions of copies were being sold. Have you managed to crack the most famous puzzle of all time yet?
4. Hopscotch
With the ability to be able to be played anywhere, Hopscotch really is the most versatile of playground games. You only need a stick of chalk and some decent hand-eye coordination to get started.
Dude, recreate these 1980’s classics with:
1. Jake wooden skipping rope for kids
A nostalgic playground favourite! The polyester rope comes in various colours, with lovely wooden handles for that authentic look.
2. Set of sidewalk chalk
Want to play a game of hopscotch? All you’ll need is this compact set of sidewalk chalk with four bright colours (green, blue, yellow and pink) and you’re ready to go!
3. USB stick
Your precious documents have never been so colourful! With 12 available branding areas, this USB stick makes a great novelty promotional item.
Read now: 5 easy ways to keep kids entertained with merch this summer
From Star Wars to ABBA, VW Beetles to Space Hoppers, the 1970s was a decade of exploration and technological advancement. What’s your favourite memory from the ‘70s?
1. Red Rover
You couldn’t help but get excited when the playground filled with the familiar chant of, “Red Rover, Red Rover, send [name] right over!” Wild and dangerous (just like British Bulldog), Red Rover was a popular playground game for all ages.
2. Mikado
Also known as pick-up sticks, Mikado is a game with an ancient history. Believed to have originated in the 18th century in Europe, the game was initially played with straw! However, as its popularity grew, different versions of the game were created. It proved particularly popular in Japan, naming the game after their traditional title for ‘Emperor’. A favourite of the 1970s.
Recreate your favourite ‘70s games with us:
1. Mikado
Presented in a gorgeous wooden gift box, this brandable Mikado game set makes the perfect gift for those with an appreciation for classic games.
2. H20 active bop 500ml spout lid sports bottle
Help stay hydrated whilst planning your next Red Rover game with our single-walled sports bottle made from recyclable PET material. With its integrated finger grip design and spill-proof lid, it’s perfect for when you need to be on your game.
3. Kid's classic brushed cotton cap
When imparting your favourite childhood games to the next generation, make sure they stay safe outside with this lovely kid’s cap with an easily adjustable velcro strap.
The 1960s: a decade of freedom. Of anarchy. Of the civil rights movement, antiwar protests and futuristic possibilities. If you grew up during the 1960s, your childhood was probably speckled with tie-dyed t-shirts, playing outside until it was dark, and being wowed by this exciting new era. And here’s what kids were obsessed with.
1. Street games
With streets being relatively safer then than they are now, there was a big emphasis on playing outside. Games that involved just a few necessities like balls or chalk were super popular, as well as more daring games such as hide-and-seek. Anything that kept you out of the house with your friends until dinner time.
2. Marbles
A fun game of skill and cunning, Marbles was popular with both boys and girls in the 1960s. With their stunning designs and colour scapes, marbles really were a sought-after toy.
3. Yoyos
Could you do any tricks? A craze in the 1960s, yoyos haven’t lost their appeal with a modern audience.
Get creative: recreate these 1960s classics with:
1. Green & Good wooden yoyo
What tricks can you remember? We love this sustainable wooden yoyo for livening up any party bag.
2. Green & Good spinning top
Our sustainable timber mini-spinning tops are great fun in or outdoors.
3. Deluxe tic tac toe game
Bring this 9-piece tic tac toe game wherever you go for some classic entertainment.
After two world wars, the 1950s saw a boom in people trying to live their lives to the fullest. Queue some awesome games and memories made.
1. Ball Games
Absolute great fun at home or at school. All you needed was the bounciest of balls and you’d have hours of fun at your fingertips.
2. The Slinky
Made popular in the 1940s and ‘50s, the Slinky hasn’t lost any of its original charm. Invented originally as a tension spring in a battleship engine, the Slinky is now the epitome of a 1950s childhood.
3. Dominos
No, not the pizza. A favourite for family summer vacations or blustery rainy days, a relaxing game of Dominos is just what you need for a splash of nostalgic fun.
Enjoy our 1950s merchandise favourites with:
1. Dominos
Our 28-piece domino game set will transport you back to your childhood in a jiffy. Stored in an elegant wooden box.
2. Rainbow Spring
Iconic and colourful, your brand can’t go wrong with adding a bit of Slinky magic into its next merchandise campaign.
3. Balls
From tennis to basket, football to golf, we have all the balls you need for a great time.
Treat your brand with merchandise
Merchandise can make you feel happy or excited, invigorated or confident. It can take you back to days spent playing hopscotch in the street, or trading cards behind the lunch hall.
Building that emotional connection between your brand and clients is key to brand success, and with merch, you can do just that!
With the very best in promotional product media at your fingertips, how will you treat your brand?
Download your exclusive kids’ activities brochure now, or get in touch for your free consultation with one of our Merchandise Consultants.