8 ways to engage remote workers

How to engage remote workers

Over the last few years, we’ve seen a rise in remote working. From hybrid working models, to fully remote roles, it seems to be the new standard when it comes to corporate life. In many cases, it’s a win-win - offering employees more flexibility in their schedule, and opening up job roles to a more geographically diverse workforce. 

But, that’s not to say remote working isn’t without its challenges. 

One of the biggest problems faced within a hybrid workforce is that of engaging remote workers. Without regular, in-person meetings, it can be hard for them to develop relationships with the wider team, and when you need to boost remote worker productivity, there are a lot of different elements you’ll now need to consider. 

We’ve put together our top tips on how to engage remote employees, so you can make sure everyone feels empowered and welcomed as a part of your team.

Get your new starters buzzing with our range of onboarding pack products.


Leverage technologies to your advantage 

Logistically, setting up remote hires for success looks a little different to how you’d support an office-based role. When you can’t simply turn to the person next to you and ask a quick question, things can start to build up! Make sure you’re setting expectations and opening clear channels of communication early on, so your team doesn't feel like they’ve been left in the dark.


1. Ensure you have a clear onboarding process

When 71% of UK office workers agree that they would have settled into their new role much more quickly with a straightforward onboarding process, you can’t afford to skip out having a dedicated onboarding process for remote workers. 

A virtual onboarding process could take many different forms, depending on what industry you’re in and software you use, but you should always make sure that it includes comprehensive training, clear-cut expectations and regular check-ins. By setting your remote employees up for success from the start, you can help them be more engaged and work to their full potential. 


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2. Don’t underestimate the power of a video call

When you’re conducting online training for remote workers, you may enlist the help of an online training platform. These are great to help streamline processes but can feel a little isolating. Consider hosting some introductory sessions live through video calls - nothing beats some face-to-face interaction! 

This can also help squash any anxieties remote workers may feel about their new role. When asked, 76% of new hires said they felt less equipped to do their job compared to 85% of tenured employees, so giving a little extra support in the early stages can go a long way in keeping your remote hires engaged in the long term! 


Invest in your remote work culture 

When your team is stationed all over the world, fostering a positive work culture can be tough! The natural relationships that form over office small talk are hard to emulate in an online environment, so you need to invest time and energy into making sure there are opportunities for everyone to feel involved. 


3. Onboarding packs for new starters 

Onboarding packs, or other welcome gifts for new hires, can help make or break your team spirit. They’re one of your first physical touch points with your remote new starters and can go a long way in helping them feel more welcome. And, it’s not just that! Whilst 75% of workers experience more job satisfaction after getting a good gift, 46% say this increase lasts for over a year - showing that onboarding packs help with staff retention, too! 

Knowing where to start with onboarding packs can be difficult. With so many different options available for a variety of different budgets, there are a whole host of things you can include. Here at Fluid, we can help to take some of that stress away for you. Our friendly merchandise consultants can help you create a bespoke onboarding pack, that’s fully customisable to your business needs. What’s more, we can pack, store and deliver these packs to your employees across the world! 


Ten easy steps for onboarding pack success

Read now: 10 easy steps for onboarding pack success


4. Make time for remote team-building activities

Virtual team-building activities are a great, low-stakes way to engage your remote workers. From simple events such as virtual coffee mornings (or even virtual happy hours!) to more creative events such as virtual scavenger hunts, there are tons of ways that you can bring the team together online. 

Helping your remote employees forge relationships outside of strictly work-related chat can help maximise their day-to-day engagement, which will have a positive effect on their productivity as a whole. 


Help to combat feelings of loneliness 

One of the biggest feelings amongst remote workers is that of loneliness. So, when you’re committed to investing in your work culture, that feeling is one of the biggest things you need to target. You need to make sure that remote workers don’t feel like they’re on the periphery and ensure that they don’t feel like they’re being left out of key decisions.  


5. Listen to feedback 

Do you want to know how you can help your remote employees feel more supported? Ask them! 

Leveraging effective remote communication tools such as surveys and polls are a great way to make remote employees feel like their voice can be heard. Listen to the feedback they provide and action it where you can - employees will feel more engaged in a workplace that they’ve helped to shape. 


6. Encourage collaboration

Currently, only 50% of remote workers feel they have a thriving relationship with members of their immediate team, and 43% of managers say relationship building is the greatest challenge for remote and hybrid workers. Whether it’s through a buddy system, or regular one-to-one meetings, you should always encourage collaboration in your team when you can.

This can help the remote members of your team foster meaningful relationships with employees they wouldn’t necessarily speak to day-to-day, creating a web of connections that can help them feel more supported in the long run. 


Ways to support your hybrid workforce

Read more: 9 ways to support your hybrid workforce


Help your team find a work/life balance 

When you’re working 15 steps away from where you sleep, it can be hard to define your work/life boundaries. There are a number of ways in which you can empower your team to put everything in balance - from helping them kit out their at-home workspace, to encouraging them to switch off fully at the end of the work day.


Meet the Fluid Family

Read more: Meet our amazing team, both near and far!


7. Allow flexible working 

One of the key benefits of remote working is the flexibility it allows. Let your employees work in whatever way fits them best - whether that’s starting or finishing an hour earlier, or taking a shorter lunch so that they can do the school run. 

Trusting your employees to complete their allotted hours in the ways that suit them is one of the best practices for remote working. By giving your team autonomy over how they complete their tasks, you can expect a more engaged, motivated member of the team in return.


8. Avoid burnout with mindful breaks

Burnout is a real problem amongst remote workers - with 69% of employees experiencing burnout whilst working from home. Help stop this from happening by encouraging employees to take mindful breaks, away from their screens, every day. This could be by encouraging them to take a walk at lunchtime, or even suggesting they simply have a cup of tea away from their desk.

You may also want to consider investing in more mental health support for remote workers, too. For example, you could schedule regular well-being check-ins, or offer subsidised counselling, in order to help your team be the best they can be.


Ultimately, remote working is here to stay, so the sooner you can adapt your style of working to maximise the engagement of your remote employees, the better. This is the best way for you to improve your staff retention, develop stronger team dynamics and ultimately, maximise your team’s productivity. A motivated workforce equals a happy one, after all! 

Fluid can help you set a positive precedent for remote workers from the get-go with our onboarding packs, as well as help you maintain that sense of community with branded gifts at any time of the year. 

Whatever you need, our friendly merchandise consultants are here to help.

Get in contact with a member of our team for more, or sign up to the Fluid mailing list for more tips and tricks.