Looking for a stress-free merchandise solution? Introducing merch packs!

An office worker is excited to open a merch pack gift box at their desk.

Want to take the stress out of your merch order?

Unsure what to choose to get the best brand impact? 

Need them delivered yesterday? 

Not to worry, we’ve got you! 

And with our branded merch pack, you’ve got your merch sorted. 

Introducing merch packs: your personalised promotional product problem solver. 

Browse the range

taking the stress out of merch_01-what are mech packs

What are merch packs? A black and white illustration of question marks for the text 'What are merch packs?'

Packed with personality, our pre-designed merch packs are the perfect solution for all your gifting needs. Choose from several promotional items that can be branded and delivered to your recipients in a printed gift box, or customise your pack for that super impressive personal touch.  

What can I put in a merch pack?

A black and white illustration of a gift bag with an arrow pointing inside of it for the text, 'What can I put in a merch pack?'

Everything and anything! If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution, you can choose from an assortment of different themes and items to fit your campaign. Or, why not create your merch pack with different branded products for that extra special occasion?

When can I use a merch pack?

A black and white illustration of a clock with the hands at 1 o'clock for the text, 'When can I use a merch pack?'

Do you love the idea of merch packs but struggling to see where they’ll fit into your upcoming marketing campaigns? We can guarantee there’s a merch pack for every moment, from seasonal to recruitment onboarding, and wellbeing to what’s currently trending. 

Reach out today to one of our merchandise consultants for more information on any of our merch packs, or to customise your own.

Customise your merch packs

A black and white illustration of a pencil drawing a line for the text, 'Customise your merch packs'

There are still countless merchandise opportunities for merch packs - if you’ve got an idea, reach out and we’ll be happy to help! Our packs are fully customisable to be super flexible - because we understand that to get that ultimate brand impact you need to be creative with your product choices. Your brand needs to be unique. You need to be trend-focused. You need to lead the way when it comes to promoting your brand. 

And with merch packs, you can do all that and more with one quick and easy merchandise solution.  

Don’t believe us? Give it a try for yourself! 

Browse the range

Why should I order merch packs? 


They’re super easy to orderA black and white illustration of a human hand with it's fingers together with stars coming out From brainstorming to delivery, we’ll make it super easy for you to send spectacular gifts to your colleagues and clients.



Drop shipping availabletaking the stress out of merch_06-02-drop shipping available_06-02-drop shipping available

However, wherever you’d like your merch packs delivered, we’ll get them where they need to go. 



They take the stress out of ordering merchA black and white illustration of a cartoon person's face really relaxed and stress-free smiling

Pick a ready-made pack or customise your own for that quick and easy merch impact. 



Fantastic branding opportunitiesA black and white illustration of the text 'Your Logo Here'

Each item inside the pack can be branded, as well as the box itself - double whammy!




Personalised giftA black and white illustration of a gift tag with the text, "From: Me To: You" on it 

You can also get each item inside your merch pack personalised to your recipient, as well as the box itself for that extra special personal touch. Aww.



Superb ROEA black and white illustration of a pound sign with arrows circuling it 

The Return-on-Emotion your packs will create is second to none. Picture it now: your recipients arriving at their desk on a Monday morning, the giddy surprise of receiving a gift, the happiness and excitement of brand new branded products -  seriously, these merch packs are sure to make their day!


Budget-friendlyA black and white illustration of an coin purse with pound-signs and love hearts on 

You can create your merch pack to suit any budget you may have. Big or small, we’ll make sure you still make that all-important brand impact.



Fully customisableA black and white illustration of plain puzzle pieces joining together 

Whatever your branding, we’ll help you figure out the best way to fully customise your pack for that superb branding magic.




Amazing brand impactA black and white illustration of the word, 'WOW' with stars surrounding it 

Everyone loves a gift, and the brand impact of a merch pack will impress even the most hardcore of clients.




Endless possibilitiesA black and white illustration of the infinity sign

The possibilities to customise your merch pack to fit your needs are endless!



Ready to meet your new brand ambassador?

Promotional merch has always got your brand’s back, and now you’ll be able to order it quickly and easily with our ready-made and fully customisable merch packs. 

Order now for stress-free branded merch with big brand impact! 

Browse the range