The Fluid Blog

The secret life of a Senior Customer Service Specialist

Written by Natasha Ithildin | Jun 6, 2023 2:30:00 PM

Have you ever been curious to discover what it’s like to be a Customer Service Specialist?

The mysterious world of customer service has remained secret for far too long… and that’s why we’re here to spill the beans. 

At Fluid, getting our customer service spot on and exceeding expectations is our favourite part of the job. We’re all about meaningful merchandise for everyone, and if we can put a smile on your face too, that’s the icing on the cake for us! 

From marketing to sales, customer service to logistics, there’s a lot of variety when it comes to working with product media. 

That’s why we wanted to shine the spotlight on the amazing people who make Fluid fantastic. 

(Just an FYI, we’re currently hiring for several different roles across multiple departments, so check out our careers page for more information if we sound like a good fit - we’ll start getting your desk ready now!).



The secret life of a Senior Customer Service Specialist 

Olivia (better known as Liv) has been a pivotal member of our customer service team for, well, ever! She’s ace at what she does - from building relationships with key clients to being a problem-solving guru - you know you’re in safe hands with Liv.  


1. What’s your favourite thing about working in customer service?

Ooo that’s a tricky one! There’s just so much I love about it. But, if I had to pick, I’d say building relationships with clients and having fantastic meetings with our key accounts are definitely the best things about my job. 


2. What does a Senior Customer Service Specialist do?

Put simply: a lot! I and the other members of my team work solely on our dedicated global accounts. This means we can ensure these clients get a high level of customer service every single day. It feels amazing when we can exceed expectations! We also work on the multiple merchandise stores that we currently have running. 


3. How did you become a Senior Customer Service Specialist? 

I feel like it’s always been where my career was heading. I actually started in the sales team at Fluid, but when an opportunity for a Customer Service Specialist came up, I was eager for a change. Within a year I was handling orders for several key accounts. When more help was needed with merchandise stores, I couldn’t resist applying! I’m now in the Global Customer Service Team where I focus on the larger clients and merchandise stores. 


4. What does your morning routine look like? 

I’m what you call an early bird, so I love waking up super early at 6 am so that I have plenty of time to walk my two beloved doggies before work. I just find an early morning walk is the best way to wake up! 



5. What’s something you have to get done every day no matter what? 

It’s something I do as soon as I log in every day: making sure all the critical jobs on my to-do list are done straight away. 


6. What does your typical day look like? 

After going through my critical items, I like to then answer all my urgent emails and anything else that’s urgent, then focus the rest of my day on everything else. Before I finish for the day, I’ll do my tracking and let clients know if their order has been delivered (which is always very exciting). 


7. What’s it like working with product media?

Awesome! You never know what you might be helping with next. It’s great fun working with product media as it makes every day different!


8. What tips would you give someone wanting to become a Senior Customer Service Specialist?

Always keep asking questions! Especially about processes and things you’re not 100% sure about. Learn as much as you can, but remember there'll still be a lot to learn - even when you are a Senior Customer Service Specialist. Every day is a school day! 


9. What’s the most challenging part of your job? 

That’s easy: courier delays. When our deliveries get stuck in customs it’s super frustrating as our hands are ultimately tied. 


10. What do you do to spark inspiration?

When I’ve had a particularly stressful day or I’ve succeeded in solving a major issue (yay!) I like to take a 5-minute breather away from my computer. I often then treat myself to a little coffee to reinvigorate myself for the rest of the day. 


We’re all about Exceptional People

Are you interested in joining the world of product media? It’s innovative and creative; forever changing and keeping you on your toes! It’s 100% one of the most inspiring industries to work in. But, don’t just take our word for it: check out our careers page to find out more.