Fundraising Half Marathon for St. Luke’s Hospice

Ben Trim and Bradley Fredericks from Fluid Branding take part in a half marathon to raise money for St. Luke’s Hospice Plymouth

At Fluid, we’ve long championed the mantra that we’re “more than just merchandise”.

Partly that reflects our holistic approach to branding, but it’s also about what drives us: our commitment to helping the environment and supporting local communities, as well as working with a fantastic, passionate team. 

So what does our fantastic, passionate team do in their spare time? We run half marathons for amazing charities at the weekend - no biggie! 

And that’s why we always want to share the awesome fundraising achievements from our team - this week, we’re sharing an absolutely fantastic update from our office in Plymouth!

See how else Fluid loves to give back


Ben & Brad’s Half Marathon Madness

On the 2nd May, Senior Merchandise Consultant Ben Trim and Merchandise Consultant Bradley Fredericks (the founding two members of our Plymouth Office Running Club FYI!) ran a half marathon with the hopes of raising £500 for St. Luke’s Hospice in Plymouth. 

“The race day was pretty perfect,” said Ben. “After spending the last few months running 1-2 times a week to increase our fitness and overall stamina, we were definitely excited for the big day!”

“And we had a lot of support from colleagues and family in the crowds,” added Bradley, “which gave us a much-needed boost 4 miles in!” Ben Trim charity St. Lukes 3

What is St. Luke’s Hospice Plymouth?

St. Luke’s Hospice Plymouth is an independent local charity in Plymouth, providing specialist care and support to those with progressive life-limiting illnesses in Devon & Cornwall. They believe that everyone has the right to quality end-of-life care, no matter where they are or what their situation is.

St. Luke’s Hospice offers a range of services for individuals in need of end-of-life care, as well as support for their families and is supported by charitable donations that allow them to continue to provide a high standard of support to those that need it most. 


Why St. Luke’s Hospice Plymouth?

With plenty of worthy causes to choose from, Ben & Brad had personal reasons for wanting to support St. Luke’s Hospice: “We chose St Luke's as they are a really well-respected charity here in Plymouth,” Ben said. “I personally know a few people who have had family members use their service and they’ve all said that the service they’ve provided was amazing.” Ben Trim charity St. Lukes-1

Fundraising success

Both Brad and Ben absolutely smashed their £500 fundraising goal - raising an astonishing £1596.44 in total, backed by Fluid’s Charity & Community Events Match Funding Scheme.

Crossing the finish line together with a brilliant time of 2 hours 14 minutes, both thoroughly enjoyed their fundraising success. 

“Finally seeing both our partners at the finish line was an amazing way to finish the event,” Brad said after finishing the 13 mile race.

A specific highlight from Ben: “Being able to actually go into the charity and meet the team and see directly where the money goes makes it all worth it, too!”

Congratulations again to you both!


It’s all about giving back

We always want to encourage our Fluid Family to get involved with projects they feel passionate about. 

That's why, as part of our Fluid Futures pillar group, we've set up a Charity & Community Events Match Funding Scheme. This means that funds raised by members of the Fluid team for charitable causes will get matched pound-for-pound by Fluid Branding. Boom!

Find out how much we’ve raised so far 

1) Rosie’s Snowdon adventure for Heart UK
2) Race for Life 2023: Our stories
3) Nicki’s half marathon fundraising success


Make every moment monumental

We’re here to help you and our team dream big. 

Whether that’s through meaningful merchandise or helping the communities we love. 

We’re all about making a big, beautiful, positive impact whenever we can! 

Interested in making your brand monumental, too? Get in touch to chat with your dedicated merchandise consultant today.

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