How to support your staff with their mental health

It’s time we removed the stigma surrounding mental health.
Last year alone, 595,000 UK workers suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety.
And, with 14% of employees stating that they have previously resigned because of workplace stress, isn’t it time we work together to support those that need it most in the workplace?
From learning how to be more compassionate, to educating yourself and your team on workplace anxiety and mental illness, we’re here to help you change those stats.
Gifts or merchandise can be a great way to show your team that you’re there for them. Download your free mental health awareness brochure now for a hand-picked selection of products perfect for helping you support your team’s mental health.
What is workplace anxiety?
Workplace anxiety has a lot of the same symptoms as regular anxiety (feeling nervous, tense or stressed), however, these feelings are brought on by work. From extreme Sunday-night blues and Monday-morning ick to concerns over relationships with colleagues and job performance; workplace anxiety can make the 9 to 5 absolutely unbearable.
What’re the symptoms of workplace anxiety?
The symptoms of workplace anxiety can vary from person to person. However, by knowing the key symptoms, you and your team can look out for your colleagues and help those who may be suffering.
The symptoms of workplace anxiety include:
- Increased irritability
- Inability to focus
- Lack of energy
- Loss of interest
- Disengagement from tasks
- Struggling to join in
- Unexplained absence
Plus many more. That’s why it’s so important to try and figure out ways of understanding your team’s own mental health and knowing the specific signs to look out for, and in turn, learning how to support them.
How to support your staff with their mental health
1. Encourage volunteer mental health first aiders
Having volunteer mental health first aiders on your team allows staff to discuss their mental health in a safe environment with a colleague they know they can trust. In time, hopefully, this will help to remove the stigma surrounding discussing mental health openly.
2. Offer workplace training
30% of staff said they wouldn't feel able to talk openly with their line manager if feeling stressed. If team leaders and heads of departments are trained in the signs of early workplace anxiety and mental health, they’ll be able to support those that need it the most. Plus, their teams will feel comfortable going to them for support.
3. Host webinars and guest speakers
Educating employees on mental health awareness is pivotal for creating a safe and understanding working environment for those that are struggling. Organising webinars or guest speakers gives teams a chance to find out more about it in a positive and open setting.
4. Social lunch & learn sessions
Sometimes, just having lunch with colleagues can make all the difference. By organising lunch & learn sessions, employees can learn in a relaxed environment about mental health.
5. Let your staff know you’re there for them
Workplace anxiety can be made worse by the fear that you’ll be penalised for your anxious behaviour.
If you let your staff know that they’re in a safe place and can share their worries without consequences, you’ll tackle the first hurdle of workplace anxiety: being misunderstood.
6. Be flexible
Allowing your team to be flexible means that you can look at the mental health needs of each member of staff on a one-to-one basis and see what would work best for them.
If their workplace anxiety is caused by being in the office, then how about offering them one or two days a week to work from home?
If it’s through doing particular tasks like presentations, offer them further training and support to get them feeling more confident in their abilities.
7. Consider mental health days
Mental health problems are just the same as having the flu or a broken bone, so why do we feel like we can’t take sick days for our mental health?
With more than one in five workers saying they had called in sick to avoid work, by offering your team one or two mental health sickness days a year you’ll be helping to remove the stigma surrounding taking necessary time off for mental health.
8. Support individuals
Your mental health is unique, and the same goes for everyone in your team. By understanding and educating employees on the fact that no two mental health concerns are the same, you’ll be able to offer them specific help.
9. Offer workplace relaxation sessions
By offering fun activities that focus on supporting and strengthening a more positive mental health outlook, you’ll help your team to add to their own anxiety-coping toolbox when they need it most.
By subscribing to programmes like Headspace for Work, you’ll help your team feel less stressed, less burnout, and with a greater sense of what mindfulness means to them.
Support your team with merchandise
With 56% of employers saying they'd like to do more to improve staff well-being but don't feel they have the right guidance, we’re here to help you support your team’s mental health the best way we know how: through thoughtful and meaningful merchandise.
Download your free mental health awareness brochure now, or get in touch for your free consultation with one of our Merchandise Consultants.
Need support?
If you’re in need of further support, check out the below resources for lots of helpful information and contacts: