Fluid visit eCommerce Expo 2019


This September I was fortunate enough to visit the two-day eCommerce and Technology for Marketing Expo at London's Olympia...

The trip was part of the Future Focus programme run by Unlocking Potential in Cornwall. Their aim is to give businesses that want to future proof, accelerate growth, and create change get the help and advice they need from industry leading experts. As part of this, Fluid joined several Cornwall based businesses on the trip to London, to learn about the challenges, opportunities and successes when it comes to running an eCommerce platform or business.

eCommerce Expo is one of the UK's biggest exhibitions that covers the whole eCommerce industry connecting B2B and B2C with suppliers and industry leaders. The show was the perfect place to get up to speed with the latest trends and to take away ideas that we could us within the business. The show featured leading eCommerce brands such as Feefo, Trustpilot and DotDigital.

With thirteen theatres of talks I was able to hear from experts in a range of topics including UX, customer personalisation and data-driven marketing. These talks were delivered by the likes of Hello Fresh, Magento and UK Fast giving me a great insight into what works for their businesses and how to maximise the growth of eCommerce business opportunities from a wide range of different industry sectors.

Overall the trip was a great experience for me, and it was great to share the trip with a wide range of businesses who like us, are always on the lookout for the latest trends and ways we can improve the experience for our customers. It was great to learn from the other businesses the challenges they have, the peer to peer learning has given me lots to think about as we continue to deliver exceptional customer experiences that are driven by innovation, education, relevance and quality here at Fluid. 

Here, I explain to Unlocking Potential how the trip will benefit the business, as well as some things I took away from the trip.