The secret life of a Merchandise Consultant

Merchandise Consultants at work

Have you ever been curious to discover what it’s like to be a Merchandise Consultant?

You need to know your stuff, that’s for sure! With so many amazing pieces of promotional merch available nowadays, it can get quite daunting trying to work out what’s best for your brand. 

That’s where our awesome team of merchandise consultants come in. They’re here to share all their promotional product knowledge with you. From what’s trending right now to what would work best for your branding - our well-informed team is here to make your merchandising dreams come true. 

From marketing to sales, customer service to logistics, there’s a lot of variety when it comes to working with product media. 

That’s why we wanted to shine the spotlight on the amazing people who make Fluid fantastic.


The secret life of a Merchandise Consultant


Jake is one of our top go-to merchandise consultants at Fluid. With several years of promo merch under his belt, your brand is in super safe hands with him. From working on some of our larger accounts to making sure he gives every order his all, he’ll work his merchandise consultant magic to make your product media the best yet. 


1. What’s your favourite thing about working as a  Merchandise Consultant? 

“I think the best thing about my job is getting the chance to meet new people. Every week I seem to be chatting with someone different about their company’s goals and aspirations, and I love seeing how I can help them achieve these with merch.” 


2. What does a Merchandise Consultant do?

“So much! But if I had to summarise it in a sentence I’d say we’re all about supporting brands with their internal and external marketing campaigns the best way we know how: with merch!”


3. How did you become a Merchandise Consultant? 

“My role is all about building relationships and solving problems, and I think from the get-go this is where my strengths were. My first role was working as a manager in a hotel which 100% revolved around helping staff and guests have the best time. So when I saw an opening for a beginner’s sales role within the product media industry, I leapt at the chance to apply - and here we are!”

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4. What does your morning routine look like? 

“I’m a big dog lover, so as soon as I wake up I make sure I let my dog Reggie out to enjoy some early morning sunshine! Then I get to my desk with an iced coffee - the BEST start to any morning.”


5. What’s something you have to get done every day no matter what? 

“After spending the day chatting with clients, I enjoy nothing more than getting to the gym. There’s just something about working out after a day at work that helps me be my best the next day.” 


6. What does your typical day look like? 

“Busy! I work from home most of the time, so as soon as lunchtime comes around I love getting outside for a walk with Reggie. I then head to the gym after work every day (sometimes before work, too!) and then chill in the evening with the TV series I’m currently watching (my all-time favourite show: The OA).”

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7. What’s it like working with product media?

“Honestly, I think it’s one of the most intriguing and interesting industries to work in. There’s always something new going on and it allows me to connect with so many like-minded individuals. I get to be creative, whilst solving problems for big brands with merch. It’s great!”


8. What tips would you give someone wanting to become a Merchandise Consultant?

“You need to be prepared to learn a lot about pens and notebooks! Jokes aside, there are so many products out there now, that you really need to keep up on what’s trending, what’s new, and what’s best for your clients. Knowledge is key!”


9. What’s the most challenging part of your job? 

“I think the most challenging part about being a merchandise consultant is coming up with new ideas/products that tick all the boxes of a client’s brief - and then some. But that’s where working in such a great team comes in handy, as we’re always up for a brainstorming session to help each other out.” 


10. What do you do to spark inspiration?

“When I need to spark some inspiration, I either put on some music or get outside for some fresh air.”

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We’re all about Exceptional People

Are you interested in joining the world of product media? It’s innovative and creative; forever changing and keeping you on your toes! It’s 100% one of the most inspiring industries to work in. But, don’t just take our word for it: check out our careers page to find out more.

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